Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Perfect Saturday

We lazily awoke and had a light breakfast before heading to a wine cooperative in a nearby town with our host family. We tasted over twenty wines and to say I was a bit tipsy by the end of it would be an understatement. The wines we tried were all so different from the wines I typically drink back home. This tasting gave me a new appreciation for wine and more specifically, French wine. We sampled a regional specialty called Rose de Pamplemousse. It is a rose wine with a grapefruit liquor, something I will most definitely recreate in the states.

We ate a late lunch back Angers at La Tuscana. As we dined outside, our host dad pointed out a crowd of young guys coming down the street. One was dressed in leopard tights and a wig. He told us that this was a traditional custom in France for a bachelor's party.

After lunch, we attended a birthday party of Timoteo's friend who was turning three. It was fun to watch the interaction of the children as the birthday-boy opened up his gifts and ripped the toys out of the packaging. Everyone was extremely welcoming and enjoyable to talk to.

Once home, we played tennis with our host dad and biked home from the courts. It turned out to be quite a day.

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