Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, Friday, Friday

Despite an alarm-clock mishap, Jill and I stumbled into French class thirty minutes late. I felt horrible and quietly snuck into the classroom. The teacher smiled and said, "Lucca, this is the first and last time, oui?" I shook my head yes and spit out all the French apologies I knew as I took my seat.

We had two more lectures- one in the matter of France's rural communities and yet another on dairy production along the Atlantic coast. They were a bore to say the least.

Freed from school, Jill and I stopped by a local flower shop and bought our host mother a potted miniature rose bush. She had her wisdom teeth removed today and we thought it fitting to get her a little something. For dinner, several of us settled on a greek restaurant which ending up being a big disappointment. Surprisingly, on our walk back home, we found a bustling Mexican restaurant (the first i've seen since being in Europe). We unanimously agreed to eat here the next time we decide to dine out.

Tomorrow we head to Brittany for a three day weekend. The weather forecast predicts rain yet I continue to hope for quite the opposite. Until next time...

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